How to Choose the Right Exhibition or Trade Show
Know Your Demographic
You probably already know who your demographic is, but if you don’t you should before booking a space at a tradeshow or convention.
Find out if your demographic is likely to attend.
For example, if your service area is restricted to a certain community and the tradeshow is being held far away from that area, chances are you should skip it and wait for something closer.
Local residents make up a large percentage of the average tradeshow’s attendee count. If the people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service are not likely to be there, then it’s probably not a good fit.
Create Your Budget
Budget governs much of what we do in terms of marketing and promotion. Make sure you know how much you can comfortably spend on the event as well as what you need to get out of it to make a profit. Some events have higher rental rates and may charge for extras like booth cleaning and electricity.
Also remember that a big booth doesn’t necessarily mean big sales. You may outdo the competition but you’ll spend more and your leads won’t be impressed. As long as there is enough room to setup the displays, furniture and kiosks you plan to use and still walk around comfortably, the people that matter the most will be happy.
Saving a little cash in your budget here will make it easier to increase the value of the event for your business.
Go for quality over quantity by making sure your display is well organised, clean, attention grabbing and easy to browse. You may find that an event you thought you couldn’t attend is within budget if you opt for a smaller exhibit space.
We cover exhibition budgeting in more detail in: Your Exhibition Budget Checklist and Setting a Budget Plan.
Research the Show
Learn more about the show and what it can do for your business. You can begin by researching past attendance reports.
Find out if the event was popular or if there’s a trend in attendance.
This could indicate how the event will do this year and next. If you can, talk to others who have worked the event in the past and find out if they felt it was worthwhile.